Share the Spotlight with Your Furry Friend and Send a Unique Holiday Singing Gram this Holiday12/10/2021 San Diego, CA, December 10, 2021 – The San Diego Chorus is pleased to add Pet Grams to their virtual Singing Holiday Grams collection this season! Continued social distancing measures will still have an impact on the way many will celebrate this holiday season, but the San Diego Chorus of Sweet Adelines International has created yet another memorable way to send warm wishes to friends and family near and far from you and your furry pal.
As well as interrupting rehearsal and performance schedules in the midst of the pandemic, the San Diego Chorus has had to think about fundraising in creative ways. "Last year we created singing Holiday Grams featuring three seasonal winter, Christmas and Hanukkah songs performed virtually in four-part, a cappella harmony,” said Kathleen Hansen, Director of the San Diego Chorus. “This holiday we’ve added a new fun way to share the spotlight with your favorite furry friend by offering Pet Holiday Grams.” “We’ve been keeping the music alive during this uncommon time. These Singing Grams help by offsetting the revenue we’ve lost from in-person events, fundraisers and performances,” Kathleen concluded. These fun and unique gifts feature a chorus of furry pals singing Jingle Bells, spotlighting your special friend and include a special message from you. For those that seek humans performing, senders may choose from the catalog of three seasonal songs: Jingle Bells, Silent Night or S'vivon. Each Singing Gram includes a personalized message from the sender, making them a unique way to send warm wishes to friends and family. All Singing Grams are delivered digitally via email and are $25 per Gram. Recipients receive a link to view their Holiday Singing Gram message online. Allow a 5-day turnaround for personalization and be sure to order by December 18th for delivery by the 25th. The San Diego Chorus has been rereleasing singles from their 2020 holiday show, “Wish You Were Here,” virtually via YouTube and Facebook. This festive collection of holiday music from their virtual choir, will for sure put you in the holiday mood! Easy online ordering and safe virtual delivery will add harmony to your holidays! Schedule your Singing Grams today at: ABOUT THE SAN DIEGO CHORUS Founded in 1951, the San Diego Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is a highly trained and talented group of women who sing four-part harmony arranged in the barbershop style. Twice named International Chorus Champion of Women’s Barbershop Harmony, the San Diego Chorus strives to entertain in many musical genres along with its signature vibrant choreography. Led by Master Director and Sweet Adelines International Faculty, Kathleen Hansen, the San Diego Chorus is dedicated to local entertainment and offering women of all ages opportunities for musical and personal growth. The Chorus welcomes singers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community and people from varied religions. The San Diego Chorus hosts weekly open-air rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at Mission Village Church, located at 2650 Melbourne Drive (rear lot), San Diego, CA 92123. Additional information can be found on their website at ABOUT SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL Sweet Adelines International is a musical force in the United States and around the world. The organization is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma where it was founded in 1945. This nonprofit music education organization is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women, encompassing more than 25,000 members, 1,200 registered quartets, and 600 choruses in the United States, Australia, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, The Netherlands, and Wales. More information is available on the International Web site by visiting
AboutThe San Diego Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is an award-winning chorus performing 4-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. Categories
February 2025