Explore the San Diego Chorus vocal assessment & audition process on Wednesday, October 5th.
Four Part A Cappella Barbershop HarmonyFor over 70 years, the San Diego Chorus has distinguished itself as a passionate, award-winning advocate of music, education and community. We are a competitive chorus performing 4-part, a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. The San Diego Chorus reaches audiences of over 30,000 annually through performances and competitions locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. |
Collaboration with the San Diego Women's Chorus |
San Diego Chorus 2019
Sweet Adelines Int. Semi-Finals |
As Long As I'm Singin'
San Diego SINGS! 2022 |
The Greatest Show
2019 Fall Show |
Every Woman's Song Premiere
By Janis Ian and Angela Aki |
Sing With UsGuests are always welcomed warmly - virtually or in person! Our New Member Team is standing by with helpful details about upcoming visitor events and our audition and membership pathway.
Discover how membership in the San Diego Chorus will help you grow as a musician and performer, improve your confidence and introduce you to a dynamic community of talented, bold and passionate singers. Come for the music, stay for the friendships. |
Become a Sponsor of the San Diego ChorusDownload our Corporate Sponsorship overview for additional information about the benefits of sponsorship. If you're ready to become a Sponsor of the internationally recognized San Diego Chorus, our Development Team is available to answer questions, schedule presentations and guide you in helpful next steps.
We believe that music has the power to bring people together like nothing else - a message desperately needed in today's times. Now is the time to say YES! to a message of harmony, hope and community. |
619-796-5162 MAILING PO Box 33365 San Diego, CA 92163 NONPROFIT EIN 501c3 95-6095457 AFFILIATIONS Region 21 Golden West Sweet Adelines International COPYRIGHT San Diego Chorus © 2023 All Rights Reserved TERMS & CONDITIONS |
Weekly on Wednesdays 6:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. Plan a Visit REHEARSAL LOCATION Casa Del Prado, Room 207 Balboa Park San Diego, CA 92101 Detailed Location Information SINGING HOLIDAY GRAMS 45 |