This short video will walk you through our ACTUAL PATTERN in Kansas City to help you visualize your contest day experience.
- Take the time to visualize our competition package and performance together; from meeting in the lobby to walking off stage. Everything at A+ level!
- Eat healthy; make sure you plan when and what to eat
- Drink plenty of water; stay hydrated!
- Avoid overindulging in food or drink.
- Prioritize rest.
- Check costumes and all accessories.
- Review tomorrow's schedule and plan.
SEMIFINALS: Thursday, October 31
- Take the time to visualize our competition package and performance together; from meeting in the lobby to walking off stage. Everything at A+ level!
- Eat healthy; make sure you plan when and what to eat!
- Drink plenty of water; stay hydrated!
- Warm up your voice thoroughly
- Check costumes and all accessories
- Apply makeup and get your hair ready
- ???-8:30 AM - Makeup and hair team assistance, if needed, Time and place TBD on site
PACK YOUR PATTERN BAG (Must fit in a quart sized bag)
- Your All Event Ticket (AET)
- Chorus Nametag
- Room key
- Money or credit cards for drinks, food after competing
- Chorus lipstick for touch up
- Tissues (for tears of joy!)
- Foldable slippers or shoes (to change into after competing if needed)
- Personal emergency needs like inhalers/medication, hygiene products, etc
- All other belongings should be with a non-competing friend or family member or in your room
- 8:40 AM - Chorus rehearsal & finishing touches
- Arrive make up/hair/costume contest ready
- Meet in the Hilton President mezzanine level
- 9:41 AM - Check in at lobby to board charter buses
- 10:17 AM - On stage. EVERYTHING A+!
- 10:30 AM - Enjoy the contest!
- 8:40 PM - Lions Gate swan set
- 9:04 PM - Announcement of Final
- 9:10 PM - Celebration!!! Wait for further instructions from SDC Leadership