The San Diego Chorus presents "ONE IN HARMONY,” on Saturday, September 28th at 7 PM. The show features performances from OC Sound and the San Diego Chorus in addition to featured quartets. The event will be hosted at the MiraCosta College Concert Hall in Oceanside, CA. Two-time International Champions the San Diego Chorus will present a dynamic program of 4-part a cappella harmony, including selections from their current competition and entertainment packages. The chorus, under the direction of Kathleen Hansen, is currently ranked 5th worldwide, and will compete in the Sweet Adelines International (SAI) Semi-Finals later this fall in Kansas City. OC Sound Chorus, under the direction of International Queen of Harmony Bonnie McKibben will also present selections from their competition and entertainment repertoire. The chorus will compete in the International Harmony Classic for small to mid-sized choruses this fall, and was selected as a 2025 Wild Card Competitor. The show, which also includes performances from select guest quartets, also features a silent auction benefitting the nonprofit performing arts organization. Doors open at 6 PM, and the curtain rises at 7 PM. TICKET INFORMATION
EVENT VENUE MiraCosta College Concert Hall 1 Barnard Dr Concert Hall Oceanside, CA 92056 SILENT AUCTION The event includes a Silent Auction, which serves as a fundraiser for the nonprofit, performing arts organization. Proceeds help offset the costs associated with competition coaching and preparation. The auction features a wide range of items including art, jewelry and collectibles as well as gift cards and experiences from area merchants and partners. Arrive at 6 PM shop the Auction early and get your bids in on items from these vendors and more:
August 31, 2024 - The San Diego Chorus was among 10 regional barbershop choruses and 20 quartets from across two states that performed at the 2024 Music on the Porch Day. The event took place on Saturday, August 31st, 2024 from 2 PM to 5 PM at 4th of July Park in Harmony Grove, Escondido. More information is available online. Music on the Porch Day, which is hosted by SoloVoce Quartet, is celebrating it's 5th year in 2024. The quartet is the 2024 Region 21 Golden West third place medalist quartet and was named quartet champions in 2023. Members hail from three regional choruses and include Tenor Kim Alley, Lead Tracey Sandberg, Baritone Jennifer French and Bass Marina Hayden. The original southern California Music on the Porch Day, Barbershop Edition, was launched in 2020 in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. With no shows or performance opportunities for choruses or groups, SoloVoce decided to create their own stage. The foursome delivered performances at two outdoor San Diego locations to small but enthusiastic crowds. From that point, the outdoor festival-style performance has gained momentum each year, with the 5th anniversary landing as the largest lineup to date. The 2024 schedule included the following musical organizations and groups: 2024 FEATURED CHORUSES
The event is affiliated with International Play Music on the Porch Day, which connects musicians in 70+ countries and over 1,000 cities worldwide
San Diego Chorus Among Performers to Take the Stage in HARMONY ROAD on Sunday, September 8th8/12/2024 Monday, August 12, 2024 – San Diego Chorus is among a cappella performance groups invited to take the stage on Sunday, September 8th at 3PM in Sun Harbor’s “HARMONY ROAD.” Hosted at Balboa Park’s historic Casa del Prado Theater in San Diego, California, the exclusive afternoon performance features three award-winning barbershop choruses and two quartets in one exclusive show that you won’t want to miss! Nine-time international Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) Chorus Champions Masters of Harmony will present musical selections from their recent performances with the Normandy Freedom Chorus at the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in France. Two-time Sweet Adelines International Chorus Champions the San Diego Chorus is currently ranked 5th worldwide. The singers will present selections from their upcoming competition and entertainment packages, which will debut on the international stage in Kansas City later this fall. Special guest quartet performances include Region 21 Golden West's 2023 Quartet Champion and current third-place medalist SoloVoce, and 2023 Southeast Division Quartet Champions Motley Q. Seating is limited, reserve your tickets online today! Ticket Information:
AboutThe San Diego Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is an award-winning chorus performing 4-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. Categories
February 2025